A lot can happen in a week. Within a two day span, I learned that Spice 1 was shot and almost killed. And then I learned that Pimp C had passed away two days later. I am praying for both families, because, I can only imagine what they are going through. God is good. I know Spice 1 will make a full comeback, because he has always been grounded in the faith and in prayer. I also feel the same way about Pimp C. I really came to like Pimp C more and more as I read everyone of his articles in Ozone Magazine. The name of his column was called "The Chronicles of PIMP C". Since I promote the magazine here in Albuquerque, New Mexico, I really felt an allegiance to what he was doing, and he did it very well! His column became the first thing that I would look to in the magazine, and the first thing that I would promote about the magazine. He was a true believer in himself and what he had to say, and a role model in that regard. Pimp C was able to come out of prison, and take advantage of all of the opportunities that lay before him. And whatever he did, he did it to the fullest, not worrying about what others would think. And what I really appreciated about him was his ability to admit to his mistakes and apologize and keep it moving. Many people love to take people's words out of context and make it bigger than it is, and this was the case many times with PIMP C's Ozone Articles. But he definitely stood behind what he was saying, and when he knew people could not understand what he was really saying, he was diplomatic and smooth enough to acquiesce a little bit and keep it pushing. PIMP C and Bun B exemplify loyalty that is rarely seen in the music industry today. You cannot think about PIMP C without thinking of BUN B. You never heard Bun B or PIMP C speak ill of each other. They only supported and encouraged each other to do and be better while representing people of the world who chose UGK to be their voice. So I feel that Bun B should be surrounded in prayer and given the proper respect that is due to him for the example that he and PIMP C set for every rap artist new and old!I could continue to speak on this, because I see so much good, even in the midst of this hard time for The Butler family. But I will say Rest in Peace PIMP C. I know you are among the best that the earth has ever seen and looking for a studio to record in in heaven. May you continue to look and offer guidance to our generation from a better place. You said you had a pocket full of stones…! You turned those stones into diamonds and rubies for all of us to us. Thank you brother! Job well done!
Respectfully and Prayerfully Submitted,
Beno-other, M.B.A.
Respectfully and Prayerfully Submitted,
Beno-other, M.B.A.